Recovery Centers of America
Recovery Centers of America includes inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment centers across six states. This site includes searchable and sortable treatment center location guides, event listings, resources, and blogs. The Recovery Centers of America website is built with a custom WordPress backend to allow easy page build-outs with modular content blocks and integrated branding.
This site was developed by Bond Digital in conjunction with Chicago's Studio North agency.
recoverycentersofamerica.comSouth Asian Literary Association
The South Asian Literary Association (SALA), promotes scholarly interest in the languages, cultures, and literatures of South Asia and the South Asian diaspora.
The site includes jobs listings, calls for papers and announcements, information about SALA's annual conference, and e-commerce that allows site visitors to pay membership dues and conference registration fees.
southasianliteraryassociation.orgTaboo: Banned Books Class
Taboo: Banned Global Novels is an honors class taught in the Department of English and Creative writing at Columbia College in Chicago. This site catalogs banned books and users can sort them by category, as well as allowing students to publish their own classwork as new entries to the database of banned books.